Monday, July 30, 2007

#5e Her

Mandy's grandfather continued to draw her to what now appeared to be a small town. She could see the town square surrounded by buildings with signs on the front declaring them "Clothing", "Grocery", "Hardware", and "House of Prayer", to name a few. The square they bordered was lush with flowers in beds and pots and even hanging from the large trees. The grass was greener and healthier than any she'd ever seen before. There were winding paths through the park lined with old fashioned looking benches, some occupied by white robed figures.

"You'll know some of the people here, Mandy", he said. "Remember Aunt Carrie who passed away when you were still in your teens? Well, she's one who decided to stay here just like me. She spends a lot of time cultivating the flowers you see in the park". He moved more quickly now, his long legs forcing Mandy to take a few running steps to keep up...just like when she was a child.

She glanced up at him again, noticing how his height and hooked nose was readily recognizable to her but he wore a different air than she was used to. Her grandfather had always been a man in a hurry, always working hard with little time to play so she'd spent a childhood grabbing little moments with him when he'd force himself to slow down and pay attention to her. Now his demeanor was one of contented anticipation as he led her to the first bench in the square where a lady sat in quiet solitude, face up to the sun and eyes closed.

"Carrie?", he said softly. "Mandy is here".

Her Aunt Carrie opened her eyes in sudden surprise, followed quickly by the lovely smile Mandy remembered from years past. "Mandy! I'm so glad you came to us. I wanted to be the one to greet you but it was only right for your grandfather to have the honor". She spoke this in rapid fire as she rushed to hug her niece and look her over carefully. Mandy was overcome with emotion to see her aunt again, maybe more so than seeing her grandfather. Carrie's passing had torn up her family terribly because she had been so young when she died, only twenty-six and younger than Mandy was now.

She'd lost her life in a car accident when Mandy was eighteen. It had been difficult to accept because Carrie was close enough in age that they were becoming good friends as well as being related. Because of her injuries the funeral casket had remained closed, leaving Mandy to wonder about the physical damage to her beloved aunt. Carrie with the bright red hair and ready wasn't fair.

The Carrie that held her hands and smiled into her face looked perfect. She wore her red hair longer than she had when she died and it was curly and fly-away like it always got when she let it grow, but that suited her. Mandy had so many questions but for now she just wanted to bask in Carrie's presence.

"John, why don't we sit for a while and explain a few things to this young lady? She looks thunderstruck and I'm sure she could use a few explanations about now".

Mandy's grandfather nodded in agreement and sat down on the bench. Carrie gently ushered Mandy over and sat her in between them.

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