Thursday, July 19, 2007

#5c Her

The warm breeze ruffled her hair as she walked. For just a moment she wondered why she'd had to die so young and why so brutally but somehow realized that it had simply been her time. There is a logical explanation for everything that happens and she was now in a dimension where these things would be made clear.

Mandy had always been a "good" girl whose mistakes in life had mainly been made by trusting too much. She'd been hurt so many times in her thirty-eight years that she wondered if she'd done evil in another life and this was pay-back. She wasn't a deep down religious person but she did believe in God and the power he wielded.

As she strolled along the road time was meaningless. Sometimes, enthralled by the beauty of nature around her she would linger just to enjoy it for a moment longer. A phrase, "Stop and smell the roses", flittered through her mind and she smiled in agreement.

Off in the distance she could see a few small buildings and wondered if that was where she was headed. They appeared to be old wooden storage units, too small for barns and too shabby for homes. Homes. "Will there be a house for me to live in?", she wondered hopefully.

As Mandy neared the structures she noted that there were no doors and the buildings seemed to be stocked with cords of wood neatly stacked and leaving room only for someone to enter. "They must be used for heating or cooking", she surmised. "If this is heaven it isn't at all like I'd imagined".

Someone was singing. The sweet sound came from only a short distance away but still too far for her to see who it was. A woman's voice, and singing a song she'd never heard before. But it was pleasing to her ears.

Mandy suddenly felt an urgency to find other people and began to run toward the voice she heard. Suddenly she spotted figures a few hundred yards ahead who were moving about in what looked like a field of corn. She was so excited she stumbled over her own feet and fell to the ground.

"You've arrived".

She raised her head and looked straight into the gentle, loving eyes of her grandfather.

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