Thursday, July 12, 2007

#5a Her

She was happy. Along with the happiness was a sense of unreality as she continued to wonder how someone like her could have found someone like him.

Two bad marriages and a boring job had driven her to too many lonely nights playing on the computer. Chat rooms for singles were almost fun because she could pretend she was younger and prettier with a marvelously interesting life. Who would really know any different...but then people like she pretended to be didn't need to waste their time in internet chat rooms.

He'd been there a few times, responding politely to her at first and then gradually showing more interest. He convinced her to install a web cam so they could see each other and speak privately. It was so exciting but she feared he'd lose interest when he saw her. He didn't, though, and she allowed herself to hope.

It was hard to believe she'd only been communicating with him for a few weeks and now she'd be seeing him in person within the hour. Accepting the date for tomorrow had been difficult but when he'd asked to see her tonight after work she'd panicked. He seemed to be rushing her a bit and she wasn't sure whether to be afraid or flattered. He wanted to bring her a present for the date.

"Maybe it's a corsage", she thought. Something niggled at her reasoning but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Oh well, what's the difference if we get together tonight or tomorrow? Only some time together will decide if he wants to come back or not".

She had dressed in casual attire, white slacks and pink tee shirt, hoping the colors made her look less bony. She'd been fighting a so far losing battle with weight loss for a few years now...ever since the last divorce. Depression had taken away her zest for both life and food. She looked in the mirror one last time to check her hair and quickly slid her gaze over the plain face staring back at her. The hair was nice, though. Soft auburn waves framed her face and fell just to her shoulders. Maybe she looked better than she felt...maybe it would be okay.

Her heart lunged when she heard the knock on the door. He'd worked till 11 and made it here very quickly. "He must work close by", she thought. She smoothed the front of her clothing as she stepped to the door and opened it. Her eyes widened in gladness when she saw handsome. His eyes, blue, crinkled as he smiled at her. His tall, well muscled body stood shyly still as he waited for her to invite him in.

She chattered on about the weather and who knows what else as she took his hand and pulled him inside. All her efforts to be calm and sophisticated were lost in the sea of fluster his presence had caused.

He appeared to be at ease in her company, content to be there, thank heavens. She offered him a drink, needing an excuse to escape to the kitchen and compose herself. He accepted a glass of water and she almost ran from the room.

Her hands shook badly as she tried to fill one of her newly purchased tulip glasses with ice. Suddenly she felt him move up behind her. Somewhat startled but more with pleasure than apprehension, she sat the glass on the counter and leaned back to make better contact.

When his hands rested on her shoulders and began to gently soothe the tension from them she was lost, her mind filled only with happiness and thankfulness for this moment. It had been so long since a man had shown her affection. He whispered promises in her ears...they'd build a life together and she wouldn't be alone anymore.

His hands moved slowly up to her neck and she thought he was about to turn her around to kiss her. It was so instantaneous that she had no time to react...everything went black.

Unbearable pain and unable to breathe, she roused momentarily and realized he was choking her. "I'm dying!", was her last thought as her life on earth ended.

She watched him strangling her body. She was above the tragic scene and looking down, unable to look away. She no longer felt any pain but only sadness for what was happening to the body she'd once inhabited. Her soul slowly drifted away, leaving earthly laws to take care of earthly troubles.

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