Saturday, July 28, 2007

#5d Her

Like her he was also dressed in a comfortable white robe and sandals and, as she gazed at his face in wonder, she saw that he looked much as he had before he'd died except younger and stronger.

He held his hand out to her to help her up and she again was struck with the wonder of the warmth and life in his hand.

"We knew you would be here soon so I was sent to greet you", he said with a smile. "There are others eagerly waiting to see you but I was the chosen one".

"Grampa?" was all Mandy could say as she stood up and brushed herself off.

"I know you haven't seen me in a while but it indeed is me. You and I were very close in life and now we can continue where we left off all those earth years ago. You'll find that time is irrelevant here and the pace of life is slow and peaceful but there is still much for you to learn". He spoke as though they'd just seen each other yesterday but it had been six long years since he'd passed away.

"Do you know how I died?" she asked.

"We know everything and so will you". He took her hand again and began to lead her toward the singing voices. "You'll be happy here".

Mandy had so many feelings rushing through her...happiness, contentment, eagerness to know what was to come. She held fast to her grandfather's hand as he led her along the road. There was a rightness about what was happening as though all was finally about to be made clear.

"Is this heaven?", she asked hopefully.

"There is no such place", he replied forcefully. "Nor is there a hell". "This is a stopping place for humans who learned the lessons they were sent to earth to learn. Here you'll make discoveries to aid you on your way to the next dimension but you might even decide to remain here as I have. Life here, and it most definitely is "life", is quite wonderful". He spoke the last words gently.

"Then I'll stay with you, Grampa", she said.

"You might change your mind when you know the options", he said with a grin. "This is the hereafter you heard about on earth but the choices and possibilities are endless. You will end up where you will be happiest". "You have arrived, sweetheart!".

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