Monday, July 30, 2007

#5f Her

Mandy's grandfather began to speak. "You asked if this was heaven but it isn't. We call it Eden. When a good person leaves their human life behind they come here first and stay until they've learned what we have to teach them. At that time they have many choices, all wonderful ones. As you know, I was a teacher on earth and that wasn't by accident. It was my calling and that is why I've chosen to remain here. Your Aunt Carrie stays for her own reasons which I'm sure she'll share with you".

Carrie, who had been sitting quietly smoothing the folds of her robe said, "I stay because I'm not ready to leave right now. I haven't found my calling yet". She shrugged as though there was no need to make an immediate decision.

Mandy, who had not been a church-goer on earth and considered herself an agnostic said, "The most important thing for me to know right now is if there is a God". Her piercing eyes looked first to her grandfather and then to her aunt. Their eyes twinkled and then they began to laugh.

"You are looking at him...or her", said Carrie between giggles. "We are God, all of us".

#5e Her

Mandy's grandfather continued to draw her to what now appeared to be a small town. She could see the town square surrounded by buildings with signs on the front declaring them "Clothing", "Grocery", "Hardware", and "House of Prayer", to name a few. The square they bordered was lush with flowers in beds and pots and even hanging from the large trees. The grass was greener and healthier than any she'd ever seen before. There were winding paths through the park lined with old fashioned looking benches, some occupied by white robed figures.

"You'll know some of the people here, Mandy", he said. "Remember Aunt Carrie who passed away when you were still in your teens? Well, she's one who decided to stay here just like me. She spends a lot of time cultivating the flowers you see in the park". He moved more quickly now, his long legs forcing Mandy to take a few running steps to keep up...just like when she was a child.

She glanced up at him again, noticing how his height and hooked nose was readily recognizable to her but he wore a different air than she was used to. Her grandfather had always been a man in a hurry, always working hard with little time to play so she'd spent a childhood grabbing little moments with him when he'd force himself to slow down and pay attention to her. Now his demeanor was one of contented anticipation as he led her to the first bench in the square where a lady sat in quiet solitude, face up to the sun and eyes closed.

"Carrie?", he said softly. "Mandy is here".

Her Aunt Carrie opened her eyes in sudden surprise, followed quickly by the lovely smile Mandy remembered from years past. "Mandy! I'm so glad you came to us. I wanted to be the one to greet you but it was only right for your grandfather to have the honor". She spoke this in rapid fire as she rushed to hug her niece and look her over carefully. Mandy was overcome with emotion to see her aunt again, maybe more so than seeing her grandfather. Carrie's passing had torn up her family terribly because she had been so young when she died, only twenty-six and younger than Mandy was now.

She'd lost her life in a car accident when Mandy was eighteen. It had been difficult to accept because Carrie was close enough in age that they were becoming good friends as well as being related. Because of her injuries the funeral casket had remained closed, leaving Mandy to wonder about the physical damage to her beloved aunt. Carrie with the bright red hair and ready wasn't fair.

The Carrie that held her hands and smiled into her face looked perfect. She wore her red hair longer than she had when she died and it was curly and fly-away like it always got when she let it grow, but that suited her. Mandy had so many questions but for now she just wanted to bask in Carrie's presence.

"John, why don't we sit for a while and explain a few things to this young lady? She looks thunderstruck and I'm sure she could use a few explanations about now".

Mandy's grandfather nodded in agreement and sat down on the bench. Carrie gently ushered Mandy over and sat her in between them.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

#5d Her

Like her he was also dressed in a comfortable white robe and sandals and, as she gazed at his face in wonder, she saw that he looked much as he had before he'd died except younger and stronger.

He held his hand out to her to help her up and she again was struck with the wonder of the warmth and life in his hand.

"We knew you would be here soon so I was sent to greet you", he said with a smile. "There are others eagerly waiting to see you but I was the chosen one".

"Grampa?" was all Mandy could say as she stood up and brushed herself off.

"I know you haven't seen me in a while but it indeed is me. You and I were very close in life and now we can continue where we left off all those earth years ago. You'll find that time is irrelevant here and the pace of life is slow and peaceful but there is still much for you to learn". He spoke as though they'd just seen each other yesterday but it had been six long years since he'd passed away.

"Do you know how I died?" she asked.

"We know everything and so will you". He took her hand again and began to lead her toward the singing voices. "You'll be happy here".

Mandy had so many feelings rushing through her...happiness, contentment, eagerness to know what was to come. She held fast to her grandfather's hand as he led her along the road. There was a rightness about what was happening as though all was finally about to be made clear.

"Is this heaven?", she asked hopefully.

"There is no such place", he replied forcefully. "Nor is there a hell". "This is a stopping place for humans who learned the lessons they were sent to earth to learn. Here you'll make discoveries to aid you on your way to the next dimension but you might even decide to remain here as I have. Life here, and it most definitely is "life", is quite wonderful". He spoke the last words gently.

"Then I'll stay with you, Grampa", she said.

"You might change your mind when you know the options", he said with a grin. "This is the hereafter you heard about on earth but the choices and possibilities are endless. You will end up where you will be happiest". "You have arrived, sweetheart!".

Thursday, July 19, 2007

#5c Her

The warm breeze ruffled her hair as she walked. For just a moment she wondered why she'd had to die so young and why so brutally but somehow realized that it had simply been her time. There is a logical explanation for everything that happens and she was now in a dimension where these things would be made clear.

Mandy had always been a "good" girl whose mistakes in life had mainly been made by trusting too much. She'd been hurt so many times in her thirty-eight years that she wondered if she'd done evil in another life and this was pay-back. She wasn't a deep down religious person but she did believe in God and the power he wielded.

As she strolled along the road time was meaningless. Sometimes, enthralled by the beauty of nature around her she would linger just to enjoy it for a moment longer. A phrase, "Stop and smell the roses", flittered through her mind and she smiled in agreement.

Off in the distance she could see a few small buildings and wondered if that was where she was headed. They appeared to be old wooden storage units, too small for barns and too shabby for homes. Homes. "Will there be a house for me to live in?", she wondered hopefully.

As Mandy neared the structures she noted that there were no doors and the buildings seemed to be stocked with cords of wood neatly stacked and leaving room only for someone to enter. "They must be used for heating or cooking", she surmised. "If this is heaven it isn't at all like I'd imagined".

Someone was singing. The sweet sound came from only a short distance away but still too far for her to see who it was. A woman's voice, and singing a song she'd never heard before. But it was pleasing to her ears.

Mandy suddenly felt an urgency to find other people and began to run toward the voice she heard. Suddenly she spotted figures a few hundred yards ahead who were moving about in what looked like a field of corn. She was so excited she stumbled over her own feet and fell to the ground.

"You've arrived".

She raised her head and looked straight into the gentle, loving eyes of her grandfather.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

#5b Her

Mandy was aware of being catapulted through space. Strangely, there was no fear or apprehension, just a feeling of things being as they should be.

Time and travel stopped as she found herself standing on a dirt road. The day was sunny and warm with a soft breeze and she thought, "This must be heaven", as she began to walk. Mandy knew she had died but was continuing on a journey she knew without doubt would be a good one.

She looked about her as she walked down the road. It all appeared much the same as on earth, wildflowers blooming along the tree lined gravel, birds twittering in the distance. If she'd thought to investigate her own appearance she would have seen a pleasant looking young lady, dressed in a plain white cotton robe, and wearing Jesus sandals. All the beauty in her previously plain face had come to the surface, like goodness often does.

Mandy thought idly of her earthly life but the promise lying ahead of her captured her attention. She knew only that she must walk along this country road until she reached her destination, wherever and how far it was didn't matter.

There was a happiness surrounding her that was overwhelming in it's intensity. This was the dream, the goal, what she'd been born and died to attain. And soon she'd learn what it was all about.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

#5a Her

She was happy. Along with the happiness was a sense of unreality as she continued to wonder how someone like her could have found someone like him.

Two bad marriages and a boring job had driven her to too many lonely nights playing on the computer. Chat rooms for singles were almost fun because she could pretend she was younger and prettier with a marvelously interesting life. Who would really know any different...but then people like she pretended to be didn't need to waste their time in internet chat rooms.

He'd been there a few times, responding politely to her at first and then gradually showing more interest. He convinced her to install a web cam so they could see each other and speak privately. It was so exciting but she feared he'd lose interest when he saw her. He didn't, though, and she allowed herself to hope.

It was hard to believe she'd only been communicating with him for a few weeks and now she'd be seeing him in person within the hour. Accepting the date for tomorrow had been difficult but when he'd asked to see her tonight after work she'd panicked. He seemed to be rushing her a bit and she wasn't sure whether to be afraid or flattered. He wanted to bring her a present for the date.

"Maybe it's a corsage", she thought. Something niggled at her reasoning but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Oh well, what's the difference if we get together tonight or tomorrow? Only some time together will decide if he wants to come back or not".

She had dressed in casual attire, white slacks and pink tee shirt, hoping the colors made her look less bony. She'd been fighting a so far losing battle with weight loss for a few years now...ever since the last divorce. Depression had taken away her zest for both life and food. She looked in the mirror one last time to check her hair and quickly slid her gaze over the plain face staring back at her. The hair was nice, though. Soft auburn waves framed her face and fell just to her shoulders. Maybe she looked better than she felt...maybe it would be okay.

Her heart lunged when she heard the knock on the door. He'd worked till 11 and made it here very quickly. "He must work close by", she thought. She smoothed the front of her clothing as she stepped to the door and opened it. Her eyes widened in gladness when she saw handsome. His eyes, blue, crinkled as he smiled at her. His tall, well muscled body stood shyly still as he waited for her to invite him in.

She chattered on about the weather and who knows what else as she took his hand and pulled him inside. All her efforts to be calm and sophisticated were lost in the sea of fluster his presence had caused.

He appeared to be at ease in her company, content to be there, thank heavens. She offered him a drink, needing an excuse to escape to the kitchen and compose herself. He accepted a glass of water and she almost ran from the room.

Her hands shook badly as she tried to fill one of her newly purchased tulip glasses with ice. Suddenly she felt him move up behind her. Somewhat startled but more with pleasure than apprehension, she sat the glass on the counter and leaned back to make better contact.

When his hands rested on her shoulders and began to gently soothe the tension from them she was lost, her mind filled only with happiness and thankfulness for this moment. It had been so long since a man had shown her affection. He whispered promises in her ears...they'd build a life together and she wouldn't be alone anymore.

His hands moved slowly up to her neck and she thought he was about to turn her around to kiss her. It was so instantaneous that she had no time to react...everything went black.

Unbearable pain and unable to breathe, she roused momentarily and realized he was choking her. "I'm dying!", was her last thought as her life on earth ended.

She watched him strangling her body. She was above the tragic scene and looking down, unable to look away. She no longer felt any pain but only sadness for what was happening to the body she'd once inhabited. Her soul slowly drifted away, leaving earthly laws to take care of earthly troubles.

Monday, July 9, 2007

#4 Him

He smiled as he drove from his home to hers. He was still in that calm state of satisfaction he always had just before arriving at a woman's house. The excitement would start to build once he was there.

He was a good driver, more out of necessity than personal conviction because it would ruin the mood if he was stopped by a cop for speeding. Once on a mission, he hated to be deterred by anything.

Her house wasn't far from his, only a few minute's drive. Along Mulberry Drive to Miller Circle and turn left...a half block to Lilac Court townhouses and hers was number 15. He pulled carefully into the complex parking lot and parked obediently in a visitor's space.

The parking lot was well lit and that concerned him mildly but it was very late, after 11 P.M. so no-one was around. He'd told her he had to work till 11 but was anxious to see her.

They'd spent just a couple of weeks conversing on the internet and only seen each other via web cam but he had a pretty good idea what to expect. She was pathetic. Too thin, too old, and desperate for a man. It had been easy to convince her that a handsome man like himself was able to look beyond the physical and had come to care deeply for the person. Sometimes it was so easy it took all the fun out of it for him.

They'd scheduled a date for dinner the next day but he'd gotten cold feet about showing up at her house during daylight. He e-mailed her and said he had a present for her to wear on the date so could he come over after work for a few minutes. She was reluctant but he was persuasive.

The excitement had begun to build as he drove into the complex. It had been almost three months since he'd felt like this and the urge was very strong. Too strong to even try to resist. He stepped out of the car and walked quickly up to her townhouse and knocked on the door.

She opened the door almost immediately. She was thinner than she'd appeared on the web cam, he thought, and older than she'd admitted to. He smiled warmly at her and stepped inside.

She welcomed him to her home, said how happy she was to finally meet him. She rambled from nervousness and this suited him fine. He hated making small talk.

She led him to the sofa and asked if he'd like a cold drink..."pop? beer? water? The night is so warm, they need rain, weren't the mosquitoes terrible?", she said. He smiled politely and agreed a glass of cold water would hit the spot on such a warm night.

In the kitchen she was so nervous she dropped the whole tray of ice cubes into the sink trying to remove a couple for his glass of water. As she struggled to retrieve some for the glass he walked up behind her.

He moved slowly until the front of his body pressed gently against her back. He kissed her neck and said how long he'd waited for this moment and she collapsed slightly back against him. She'd dreamed of this and now it was happening.

He kneaded her shoulders and spoke softly of their future together. They'd take trips, long walks by the ocean, he'd been so lonely until he found her. His words were like balm to her soul.

His hands slid up to her neck and he skilfully pressed on her aorta until she passed out and slid down to the floor. Now his excitement was in full flower and he grasped her neck and squeezed with all of his strength. She came to slightly and feebly tried to pull his hands away.

"I'm dying", she thought, almost with amazement. The thought swept away as swiftly as sweet life and she lay still.

He continued to squeeze until the final spasms of his own excitement died away...and, fulfilled, he stepped away from her corpse.

He looked down at her and felt no empathy, no guilt. She'd served her purpose and had been the cause of her own death. How stupid of her to take him in, believe in him. She'd deserved what she got.

As he walked to his car he enjoyed the late night summer breeze in his face. He was smiling and singing along to the radio as he drove away.

What he didn't know was that the parking lot was equipped with security cameras and his handsome face and licence plate had photographed clearly on that night. Early next morning he answered his doorbell, first to face the police officers and soon to face the consequences of his brutal crime.