Sunday, February 3, 2008

#5I Her

Mandy and Claire talked for hours, mainly about family members who had passed away. Mandy was very curious about where they were and hoped some of them were still in Eden so she could meet them again.

Claire explained that all of their relatives, except the three who had approached Mandy, had all gone on to other dimensions. It had been their choice to "travel". There were myriad other worlds to explore with the understanding that anyone could decide at any time to move from one to another, even return to Eden if they wanted.

"How do we know if the next place will be better or just as nice as this", Mandy asked.

"If you want to try something different you need only to ask your advisor, John, and he will show you the way. We all have advisors, mentors, in every dimension to guide us".

Claire went on, "First you need to learn about life, death, and the hereafter and this is where that happens. You have all the time in the world to make up your mind to stay or go".

Mandy had become curious about the inside of the house and asked for a tour. She wanted to see if it was the same as on earth. Bedrooms were unnecessary but would it have a kitchen? She considered whether or not she was hungry...would she still consume food and drink? Her mind was reeling as she considered all the possibilities.

Claire walked to the beautifully carved wooden door and pushed it open, welcoming Mandy inside with an open hand. As Mandy stepped through the portal she gasped in amazement. It looked like any elegant home she'd ever seen in her life.

The tile floor in the entry shone with soft colors and intricate design. To the right of the entry was a doorway leading to a comfortable livingroom with cushy sofas and chairs in a pastel rose. Again she was amazed at how like earthly homes this was.

"Is there a kitchen and do we consume food here?", she asked.

Claire laughed gently, "Yes, we enjoy all the pleasures of life without needing to waste time sleeping. We are immortal but immortality would be boring without things to enjoy".

They meandered through the livingroom and into another large room which Mandy assumed was the diningroom. There was a difference here. A massive table commanded the center of the room while many, many chairs surrounded it...possibly 20 or 30. There was no other furniture in the room, nor a window.

"Is this the diningroom", asked Mandy nervously.

Claire nodded, "Yes, this is the place where friends meet for meals and for socializing. You've probably noticed that there are no windows or embellishments in the room and that's because we concentrate on the gift of food and the gift of friendly conversation. Mealtimes are serious rituals here...a time to connect with others".

Mandy had already made her way into the kitchen which lay just beyond the diningroom. The cupboards were knotty pine and the gleaming counters some sort of arborite, a cheery shade of soft pink. Even the recognizable appliances, stove, fridge, coffee maker...all different shades of pink.

"Is this the decorator color for Eden?, Mandy giggled.

Claire laughed, too. "I like pink so that's what I have. None of us are too concerned with colors or styles so we simply choose what we're comfortable with".

Mandy wanted to open the fridge to see what sort of food was eaten in Eden but thought that might be rude so she asked instead.

"Do you eat meat and veggies?"

Claire turned to Mandy and said in a stern tone, "We hurt no living creature here so you will never eat meat again". She added in a softer tone, "But we do make scrumptious pastas and veggie dishes that are to die pun intended".

Both women burst into laughter.

Mandy was still giggling as she looked around for another room to explore. "Are there other rooms", she asked.

"There are game rooms and reading rooms throughout the house. We have a few of each in this house and also contemplating rooms. These are used by one person at a time because it's only when we're completely alone that we can truly expand our mental capacities".

"I just might have to live in that room", joked Mandy.

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