Monday, April 30, 2007

#1 The Dead of Night

In the dead of night all sounds are magnified. A creaky settling of the house becomes the stealthy footsteps of an intruder. The tap of a branch against a window is elevated to the status of break-in.

It was one such night when I lay alone in my bed feeling uneasy and restless, unable to sleep. The small clock on the dresser clicked off each digital minute, the click breaking the silence like a jet breaking the sound barrier.

So tired, maybe too tired, and needing sleep desperately after a day of hell, I wrapped the pillow around my head and buried my face almost beneath the blanket. "This is too much", I moaned. "How can I get through this without rest?".

My mind spun wildly from one scenario to the next, remembering his insults, remembering his back as he walked out the door. Heart and mind still aching from the knowledge that no-one could treat someone they loved so cruelly.

"Will he come back tonight?", I wondered. "Should I let him stay if he does or is it best to let go now before things get worse?". The mind can't quickly supply answers to questions we never wanted to ask.

A loud click! "Was that the front door closing?". A shiver of trepidation slithered over my skin. "Was it him?".

Muscles taut with expectation, worry that he'd come stay or to pack his things and go for good. Developing fear that it wasn't him but someone else...who?

Suddenly a series of faint creaks on the stairs. "Oh, my god!" I was frozen, fear making me immobile.

The bedroom door slowly opened wider as though brushed by a wisp of breeze, a shadowy face appeared...close to the floor. It was the dog.

My loving companion walked uncertainly across the room towards the bed. Every brain cell directed towards me, checking to see that I was all right, making sure I was safe.

He settled down on the floor next to me and curled himself into a cozy ball, snuffled and closed his eyes. Feeling loved and protected, the night held no more terrors and I fell into a dreamless sleep.