Sunday, August 19, 2007

#5g Her

"You are God?", Mandy gasped.

"We are God", he answered. "We are all parts of the whole and that's all we've ever been. We are a project in the making and that's why we have so many levels of learning. Each level has a purpose and here you will learn why you had your earthly life, how you came to be here, and you will be given choices for the next level".

It was difficult for Mandy to take all of this in, especially because she had so many questions, but gradually she relaxed and realized she had an eternity to have her questions answered.

"Where do we start first, Grampa?", she asked.

"Please feel free to call me by my given name, Mandy. It's perfectly respectful and you'll be meeting many of your relatives so using proper names will make it easier for you. I'd first like to take you to your lodgings and introduce you to your housemates. You'll find them all friendly and helpful, much like yourself", John said with a grin.

"I was so hoping there'd be a home to live in but by the looks of the perfect weather and surroundings I could even have been happy living in the outdoors", she replied. "Do we sleep?", she asked suddenly.

"No, that's an earthly necessity and doesn't apply here. We don't have night because our planet revolves conveniently between two suns which also keeps our climate temperate. When we wish, it does rain occasionally to keep our ponds full".

"It's quite heavenly", he added with a grin.

As they spoke they walked along streets looking very similar to the neighborhoods Mandy was used to on earth. She saw people sitting on their porches or in their gardens talking, laughing, puttering. All wore the same white robes she was wearing. They were loose and comfortable, billowing in the gentle breeze. Everyone waved as she passed.

Nothing seemed out of place. The streets and houses were clean and the plants were healthy. The people all seemed happy.

John stopped and led her up a flower bed lined sidewalk to a lovely Victorian house, it's large wrap-around porch homey with rocking chairs. On one of the chairs sat a slightly familiar woman who smiled invitingly at them.

"Claire, I've brought Mandy to stay with you for a while", he said.

"Mandy, you might not remember anything about Claire but she was your great-great grandmother. Claire, too, has chosen to stay here because it suits her", he said.

Mandy's great-great grandmother, Claire, rose gracefully from her chair and greeted them with warm hugs. She smelled of sunshine and looked no older than Mandy herself. Mandy had seen family photos of this lady but wasn't even born when she'd died.

"Welcome to the fold, sweetheart", Claire said brightly.